I am an assistant professor at School of AI Convergence, Soongsil University.
I am interested in the structure and dynamics of complex systems such as society, culture, media, and collective knowledge. For the purpose, I generally handle massive datasets and detect the hidden patterns beneath external appearance.
ently I am working on:
- Modeling Human Behavior
- Network Science
- Data Science
- Computational Social Science
- Cultural Science
- Scientometrics
- Citation Dynamics
School of AI Convergence
Soongsil University
School of AI Convergence (former name: Department of Smart System Software)
Soongsil University
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Naver Corporation
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Ph. D. in Physics (Supervisor: Hawoong Jeong)
Complex Systems and Statistical Physics Lab.
Lab. Homepage
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Bachelor in Physics (Supervisor: Hawoong Jeong)
Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon)
Génie Mécanique Conception
Seoyoung Park (박서영), Sanghyeok Park (박상혁), Taekho You (유택호), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
e-print arXiv:2402.19329,
. Humanities Social Sciences Commununications 12, 76 (2025).
Taekho You (유택호), June Young Lee (이준영), Jinseo Park (박진서), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
e-print arXiv:2301.01926,
Quantitative Science Studies 5(4), 906–921 (2024).
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 74: 728-738 (2024).
Gangmin Son (손강민), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Hawoong Jeong (정하웅)
e-print arXiv:2202.07252,
EPJ Data Science 12, 62 (2023).
Jisung Yoon (윤지성), Jinseo Park (박진서), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Woo-Sung Jung (정우성)
e-print arXiv:2202.01466,
Journal of Informetrics 17(4), 101455 (2023).
Eunrang Kwon (권은낭), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Jeong-han Kang (강정한)
Data in Brief, 48 109200 (2023).
Jin Min Kim (김진민), Jae Hwan Lee (이재환), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Wooseop Kwak (곽우섭)
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 82(7), 623-6238 (2023).
Eunrang Kwon (권은낭), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Jeong-han Kang (강정한)
e-print arXiv:2111.14342,
Journal of Informetrics 17(1), 101380 (2023).
Sungyong Kim (김성용), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
e-print arXiv:2207.04717,
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 81(7), 697-706 (2022).
Juyoung Kim (김주영), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
e-print arXiv:2203.14077,
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 81(2), 179-190 (2022).
Taekho You (유택호), Jinseo Park (박진서), June Young Lee (이준영), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Woo-Sung Jung (정우성)
e-print arXiv:2106.15166,
Journal of Informetrics, 16(2) 101294 (2022).
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
e-print arXiv:2110.15513,
Journal of Informetrics, 16(2) 101291 (2022).
Kim Danu (김단우), Lee Damin (이다민), Jaehyeon Myung (명재현), Changwook Jung (정창욱), Inho Hong (홍인호), Diego Sáez-Trumper, Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Jung Woo-Sung (정우성), Meeyoung Cha (차미영)
Journal of KIISE 49(5), 347-353 (2021)
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Sejung Ahn(안세정), June Young Lee (이준영)
e-print arXiv:2004.05904,
Journal of Informetrics 14(4), 101099 (2020).
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Sang Hoon Lee (이상훈), and Hawoong Jeong (정하웅)
e-print arXiv:1610.06006,
Nature Human Behaviour 3 103 (2019)
- Featured on the journal cover:
Jisung Yoon (윤지성), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Woo-Sung Jung (정우성)
e-print arXiv:1804.00026,
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 68, 647-654 (2018).
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Sang Hoon Lee (이상훈), and Hawoong Jeong (정하웅)
e-print arXiv:1510.06092,
Phys. Rev. E 93, 012307 (2016).
- Featured in APS Physics Focus
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Pan-Jun Kim (김판준), and Hawoong Jeong (정하웅)
e-print arXiv:1405.0917,
PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117388 (2015).
- NRC Handelsblad: "Op Wikimedia is niet iedereen gelijk" (in Dutch) LINK
- 한겨레: "‘집단지성의 성채’ 위키백과, ‘지식정보의 편향’ 넘을 수 있을까" (in Korean) LINK
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- 디지털타임스: "'가짜뉴스'는 왜 증폭될까…소수에 의한 독점 현상 규명" (in Korean) LINK
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- IT NEWS: "정보 가진 소수가 여론 '독점'하고 '왜곡'" (in Korean) LINK
- The Korea Bizwire: "Study Shows a Monopolizing Few Can Control Collective Intelligence" LINK
- APS Physics Focus: "Wikipedia Articles Separate into Four Categories" LINK
- The Washington Post: "Wikipedia’s social structures resemble a bureaucratic corporation, studies say" LINK
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- Asian Scientist: "What The Editing History Of Wikipedia Reveals" LINK
- Gizmodo: "Wikipedia Is Basically a Corporate Bureaucracy, According to a New Study" LINK
- Science Alert: "Wikipedia is basically just another giant bureaucracy, study finds" LINK
- Fudzilla: "Wikipedia has become 20th century bureaucracy" LINK
- Weekendavisen: "Leksikalt kartel" (in Danish) LINK
- Die Tageszeitung: "Der aussterbende männliche Schwarm" (in German) LINK
- Der Standard.: "Wikipedia: Es droht das Ende der Schwarmintelligenz" (in German) LINK
- Actualité Houssenia Writing: "Wikipedia, juste une énorme bureaucratie ?" (in French) LINK
- Boa Informação: "Como a Wikipédia se tornou uma comunidade mais fechada, e como resolver isto" (in Portuguese) LINK
- ギズモード・ジャパン (Gizmodo Japan): "ウィキペディアは少数のスーパーエディターが支配する官僚社会" (in Japanese) LINK
- SG: "Szomorú jövő várhat a Wikipédiára" (in Hungarian) LINK
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- Physics Today: "The Dayside : The psychohistory of scientific evolution" LINK
Cytoscape (Network Visualizaiton)
Korean (Native)
English (Advanced)
Frencn (Intermediate)
Japanese (Basic)